It was infectious. It felt momentous. As if this energy and frustration and the need to make things better, to be heard, to be treated as equals had been buried for generations, under frustration and the reluctant acceptance that that was just the way it was.
I can't begin to sum up the content of the 32 speeches. About the frustration, the imbalance of power, the fundamental inequality throughout the arts. It's in the statistic and it's in the stories.
Theatre programming where "dead men take precedence over live women"....of being assertive and therefore labelled 'high maintenance/ diva/ ball breaker'. As designer, Zia Holly said, she was told that she could do anything that boys can do. Which was great. But now she was asking, "Why did I have to be told that? Boys don't get told they can do anything girls can do... I have inherently known that I had to prove myself".
The gender bias is so insidious, it's often not intentional. It 'just is'. To paraphrase Ali White, actor and writer, it seeps into us by osmosis, makes us doubt ourselves. "This has to be the start of something better," she said. As Eleanor Methven, actor and founder of Charabanc Theatre Co. said, it could be The Oestrogen Rising!"
Because it has taken so long.
I wrote my first play back in 1983; writing for theatre is where my heart resides in so many ways which is why I've produced and directed recently in order to get my plays out there and will do so again. But the fantastic and wonderful and amazing thing about yesterday is that now the game changes. It feels today as if the ground fundamentally shifted yesterday and that felt fantastic and exciting.