The date is set for the next Creatives in Animation Network event - Monday 8th September starting 7 pm sharp - 9pm in the Roasted Brown cafe space. (They do the best flat white in Dublin. Sadly, they close on Mondays at 5.30 so I'll bring tea and coffee along). Love to see as many of you there as possible who have been before - seems ages since the last one - and hopefully a swell of new faces too.
Pass on the word too and let me know if you're coming along ( so I can keep an eye on numbers given the limited space.
I have to say, this is the third year now - and the 11th event - since I set this group up and I have met such a fantastic whorl of interesting and talented people, as have most of these people when they came along. It's a meet n greet gathering, about making contacts you can follow up on not pitching, although sometimes you can't help yourself. We have a huge range and scope of members now - you can find out more on the dedicated page below.
As for how CAN works after that: Everyone who comes to an event can agree to be on a group email -- this is only for those who have attended one of these events and is to allow you to follow up with each other more easily - while there is also a Facebook page and a more international one on LinkedIn for further networking.
28th April - Creatives in Animation Networking (CAN) event # 10
(Posted April 1st, 2014)
Putting the date out there to give everyone lots of time.
The venue is the same - the Roasted Brown Cafe space on the first floor of Filmbase. It starts at 7 - and it's good to be on time because that's when you get an idea of who everyone is! And let me know if you want to come along -- just so I can keep an eye of numbers and not overcrowd the space.
CAN events are open to writers and animators - provided you're working in the business, have completed some scripts or made some animation - but also to animation producers, directors, The idea is that you may find some people at some of these events with whom you want to collaborate now or in the future. And there is plenty of that happening within the Network already, at a range of levels from games to shorts and even a feature script...
But mainly, it's great fun and highly stimulating to be in a room of wonderfully talented creatives all of whom really, really want to make animation!!
If you haven't been before and are interested, have a look at the information page
There's also a dedicated page on this blog, and group pages on LinkedIn and Facebook you can join if you can't make it to the next event.
(Posted 5th Jan, 2014)
Information Sheet on the Creatives in Animation Network
Posted: 8 January, 2014
Greetings and happy New Year to everyone!
The first CAN event of 2014 will be held on Monday February 3rd in the Roasted Brown Cafe space (thanks Fergal) in Filmbase (Curved St, Temple Bar, Dublin 2) from 7-9pm. Hope to see many of you there -- let me know if you can make it along by mailing me on!
There is no doubt but that creative collaborations have been happening at various levels among network members, which is exciting! This is the third year of the Network, so we're still only in infancy. For those of you who haven't heard of the network before, check out the dedicated page on this blog.
Carla Mooney, who joined the network in Galway, is behind the Silk Road film festival in Dublin this March and asked me to mention it. Some of you may even have films that would be a good match. The website is
(Logo design by Neil Delaney)
Posted 22 October, 2013
For what was meant to be the final Creatives in Animation Network (CAN) event of 2013, funny how it ended with talk of another gathering before Christmas, although this one possibly in the Palace Bar!
It was a great night. Largest group yet. Loads of newcomers. Again, the only thing you can be sure of with these gatherings is that you will be in a room full of interesting, talented people all keen to create animation and last night was no exception.
Some of the feedback from newcomers to the network:-
"I am only happy to tell that it was inspirational to meet and talk to so many creative people last night at the CAN..."
"Great CAN event last night, very inspiring conversations ..."
"Please keep me on your CAN list as I do feel that networks like this are very useful and great for meeting potential new colleagues and friends..."
Posted 8th October, 2013
Venue: First Floor, Filmbase, Curved Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2 in the Roasted Brown cafe space.
There'll be a 2 euro cover charge to cover the space and tea/coffee.
Spread the word but let me know if you're coming along so I can keep an eye on numbers. The Galway gathering was a bit lopsided because of the demands on people by the Fleadh and I want to make sure the balance is better this time.
Email me at if you've any questions.
Posted: 23rd July, 2013
Lovely piece in the Irish Film & Television Network (IFTN) e-newspaper:
Posted: 9th July 2013
Looking forward to hosting the first Creatives in Animation Network event at the Fleadh - if you're in the city and you want to find like-minded people who want to create animation, come along at 11.30 to the Joyce Suite, First Floor, Radisson Blu Hotel on Friday 12th at 11.30.
Posted: 3rd July 2013
Lovely article in IFTN about the event...
Posted: 1st July, 2013
The second Creatives in Animation Network (CAN) event of 2013 is confirmed for the Galway Film Fleadh. This, the first time the network has met outside of Dublin, will take place in the Joyce Suite, First Floor, Radisson Blu Hotel on Friday 12th July, from 11.30-1.30.
These are informal gatherings open to anyone genuinely interested in collaborating professionally and creatively within the animation industry - writers, animators, producers, directors, scribblers and illustrators. We meet and mingle, making contact with a view to following up later if we meet someone with whom we feel they might like to work.
If you want to come, please let me know at
Posted: 14th May 2013
Another great gathering of creative people last night -- members new and old -- that's the sixth gathering of the Creatives in Animation Network (CAN) now and through LinkedIn, Facebook and the meetings, we have about 140 members...

Next one will be during the Fleadh in Galway (first week of July)...
Looking forward to tomorrow's event (Monday 13th) --
If anyone is hoping to come that hasn't contacted me, can you let me know because numbers are higher this time round and the space will only hold so many before we use up all the oxygen!
Posted 10th May 2013
I've uploaded a general information sheet on everything you need to know about the network - goals, history, criteria for joining, focus for the events etc...- onto my google drive so you can download it from this link.
Pass it on to anyone you think might be curious!
Posted: Thursday, May 2, 2013
Creatives in Animation Network gathering - CHANGE OF DATE TO 13th of May
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Greetings everyone.
I've had to change the date for the next meeting to MONDAY 13TH.
I couldn't get the venue for the 6th as it's a bank holiday and also many people were going to be away.
Really sorry for the change of date but hope as many of you as can will be able to make it along. It has been too long since we all met!
So the date is Monday 13th of May
The venue is Roasted Brown Cafe space, First Floor, Filmbase, Curved Street, Dublin 2
The time is 7-9pm;
Spread the word and let me know if you or anyone else would like to come along. FIRST CREATIVES IN ANIMATION NETWORK EVENT OF 2013 - MONDAY MAY 6th
Posted April 5th, 2013
Hi everyone,
Wanted to give you all a heads up -- can't believe it has taken me so long to be able to organise another get together but it has been a busy and exciting year and that's my excuse!
I haven't fixed on a venue yet but let me know if you think you can come, spread the word to people who believe would be interested and let's make this an interesting night!
Feb 27th 2013
To Eoin Rogers, winner of the IFB/ Jameson Dublin International Film Festival's 'Untitled' competition for his film The Cloud Giant and to finalist Emma Hogan, another CAN member, for Snöt and Gröt.
HAPPY NEW YEAR, Creatives!
8th January, 2013
Let's hope this is a fantastic one for animation and that we are all involved! That whatever traumas happened to us in the writing/ animation fields last year become a funny anecdote in the light of new projects, new opportunities and fantastic new collaborations!
December 11TH, 2012
Another great night last night - the final gathering of the Creatives in Animation Network (CAN) for 2012. I thought numbers would be tiny - so many cancellations and all of them with good cause on the day - but then several arrived that I wasn't expecting so it was another interesting mix of 15 people from all areas of our two spheres.
So five meetings in, we have about 60 on the mailing list and nearly 70 on the LinkedIn group from all over the globe; there have been collaborations and other exciting ones are brewing away. Every one of the gatherings has been stimulating and no two were the same because the mix was always different; the only standard was that everyone had lots of experience in their field and a genuine interesting in collaboration at some stage.
There was mention last night of putting together a list for members of the group of all the websites/ blogs/ facebook pages/ LinkedIn groups that might have news about upcoming shows/ features/ animation projects in which there might be work either for writers or animators...
I thought if everyone could make suggestions I can put it together. All I could think of was Pegbar, the Irish Film Board's announcements of grants to animation, possibly Media's though all of these might be too late for writers. I haven't had time yet to dig around so any suggestions you can make would be fantastic.
Also, if any of you can think of ways to make this network more effective, I'd love to hear your ideas. The Writers Guild (ie the Irish Playwrights and Screenwriters' Guild) have offered us their space any evening if we we want to meet in smaller groups - possibly aimed at bringing people together with specific interests in terms of collaborations etc - for example.
Anyway, let me know...
27 Nov 2012
The date: 10th December, 2012
Time: 7-9pm
Christmas is coming fast n fuzzy-tailed so we just have time for one last CAN event, the last of this network's first year. The event is informal and open to writers and animators genuinely interested in collaborating in the future.
Come along, meet and mingle; you're guaranteed a roomful of interesting people. Collaborations have been happening all year out of these events, connections made that may lead somewhere stimulating/ creative/ interesting/ even lucrative!
All I ask is that you let me know if you want to come so I can keep an eye on numbers for the space (
There's a LinkedIn group for connections to continue and news to spread within the CAN group.
Let's get this network growing and rustling in the wind:
The Creatives in Animation Network is open to writers and animators interested in collaborating.
There are currently about 60 members. We've just had our 4th meeting and the purpose of the meetings is to meet n greet informally and make contact. Pitching comes later in the conversation, the point is to get talking but the germs may be planted!
If you attend a meeting and have no objection, your name is added to the group email and you are welcome along to any further meeting. There's is also a LinkedIn Group (Creatives In Animation Network) that anyone can join if they match the above criteria.
The idea of both groups is that members can contact each other independently to arrange to meet for coffee with other members and see if they might work together either on a specific project or maybe to create something new out of the ether. Or they can post up information of jobs, invite members to look at a project idea and get in touch if it interest. It's up to you.
And the more we have in the group, the more interesting it gets.
Just to give you a taste, so far we have animation producers and directors, storyboard artists, animators working in 2D, 3D, 3.5D, games, cross-platform and traditional media and illustrators, established animation writers and creators of animation series, award winning screenwriters, writers of children's books, tv series and theatre. All wanting to create.
The next meeting of the group should be around the time of Cartoon Finance (Nov 12-14).
NB The Creatives in Animation Network (CAN) was founded in January 2012. It is an independent group that welcomes writers and animators interested in collaborating. At some stage. Even if not now!
Many thanks to everyone who braved the horrible deluge to traipse into town last night. It was another really interesting evening and the new venue, the Roasted Brown Cafe, worked really well. Thanks to Fergus for letting us use it!
So what happened? Well, we had tea. coffee and another room full of talented people from every aspect of the animation and writing industries.... Mind you, can writing be called an industry when it's so hard to make a living at it!?
For this moment in time, at 2.13pm with chocolate beckoning, it doesn't matter.
What matters is we are fortunate, animators and writers, to create worlds for a living, to make magic happen on screen - or , at least, on the page/ computer screen with the hope that we can find the right team to make it real.
I wonder if we'll look back at these events and be able to trace back projects/ collaborations that have resulted in such magic in a few years time?
NB The Creatives in Animation Network (CAN) is an independent group that welcomes writers and animators interested in collaborating. At some stage. Even if not now!
The next event will be in mid-November.
The fourth Creatives in Animation Network (CAN) event takes place on Monday evening in Temple Bar.
Can't wait.
From the line up of people who have said they're coming along, it should be another interesting evening. There are still a couple of places left if anyone still wants to come. Just leave a comment here or email me.
CAN Calls Animators and Writers Together Again for the 4th Event
I’m organising the 4th Creatives in Animation Network (CAN) event on Monday, September 24th. There's a change of venue. This one takes place in Roasted Brown, the cafe on the first floor of FilmBase, Curved Street, Temple Bar at 7pm. (PS: Very many thanks to the Screen Directors' Guild of Ireland who lent us their wonderful Screening Room for the first three events.)
Collaborations have happened and are brewing within CAN so it seemed time to bring everyone together again. The other three events were such interesting evenings!
The idea, for those who don't know, is to bring together animators and writers. We meet n greet n talk. We don't pitch, we just get to know each other and then we can follow up with specific projects later.
Numbers are less limited because of space this time but I still need to keep a balance between writers and animators so please let me know if you can make it and spread the word.
Found an interesting document at
Some interesting material on writing/ developing everything from animated shorts to series to features. Only had a quick scan but it might interest some of you.
Let me know if it's any use! Or if you come across other gems on-line.
Born December 2011.
Became tangible on 31st January 2012 with the first Animation Networking Event.
Formally named in April 2012.
I started this group with a series of events to bring writers and animation directors together and see if we can collaborate creatively on various projects from shorts to features to series or, even, books.
We have had three 'events' so far with between over 60 people interested and about 40 attending over the three nights. We met, circa 20 at a time in the Screen Directors' Guild's Screening Room, courtesy of the Guild.
Perched above Temple Bar, animators and writers mingled, coming from all strata in both fields. The idea was to meet, mingle and talk. Nothing more. No pitching necessary. No stress. The idea is that this happens later, in individual meetings set up by members of the group. That's when you find out if you might have common ground/ sensitivities regarding work you want to create...
The consensus from the first time I mentioned forming such a network was that everyone wanted it. That there is a need for writers and animators to share skills, ideas and to communicate with each other.
At least half those who have attended have started collaborating and many more are showing portfolios, scripts, talking ideas.
My first animation script for a producer came from sitting beside an animator I'd never met before on a sofa in Galway. At some point, talking about our work, she mentioned that she had always wondered "what life was like inside a beard". Okay, I thought. If I am worth my salt as a writer and a writer who wants to write animation, I have to be able to come up with something and I did. At three in the morning in a B&B in gold pen on a scrap of paper.
And so the adventure began.
(Photo from the First Networking Event.)
I have set up a Facebook Group and another on LinkedIn. Via these groups, members can look each other up, seek each other out, arrange to talk by email or otherwise and see what happens. We may organise an informal evening during the summer but otherwise, having kicked the ball into the creative mud, it's up to members to start networking.
CAN logo was designed by Neil Delaney.
The Creatives in Animation Network. C.A.N.
The idea of such an inclusive name was so that it would cover all aspects of both worlds, people connected at the hip by a love of and desire to make wonderful and imaginative animation of all types, sizes, shapes and humours! But also that our ultimate aim is to get material 'in the can' and on the screen, large or small.
Everyone who genuinely wants to collaborate with other to get material made is welcome. Writers who have yet to write animation, novelists and playwrights as well as animation writers; animators, animation directors, storyboard artists, illustrators, comic book artists, model-makers; they might be producers who want to make (more) animation or move into features... The list is endless...
I could be schmaltzy and add that we 'CAN' do it... but I won't.
I had a really irritating teacher who used to drill into us that "there is no such word as cant'".
Funny the things you remember from your education!
(Photo from the second event.)
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