Friday, 28 September 2012

Lindsay Jane Sedgwick; writer, script ed, tutor: Pitching projects into development....

Lindsay Jane Sedgwick; writer, script ed, tutor: Pitching projects into development....: Trying to get numerous projects into development is like treading through very thick treacle on an escalator going backwards that keeps turn...

Pitching projects into development....

Trying to get numerous projects into development is like treading through very thick treacle on an escalator going backwards that keeps turning into a downwards escalator with broken suspension...

I may lose a lot of shoes, heaps of sleep/ dignity/ sanity but if any of them get into production - isn't that the ultimate goal? or, better still, get produced WONDERFULLY WELL TO INTERNATIONAL ACCLAIM! - , it'll be well worthwhile!

(And yes, I AM lousy at writing subject headings for blogs!)

Thursday, 20 September 2012

4th CAN event is only days away

The fourth Creatives in Animation Network (CAN) event takes place on Monday evening in Temple Bar.

Can't wait.

From the line up of people who have said they're coming along, it should be another interesting evening. There are still a couple of places left if anyone still wants to come. Just leave a comment here or email me. (