Not long now! On Wednesday next, the 24th of Sept, at 11am local time (10 am here in Dublin), I take to the stage, with Andrew Fitzpatrick (Monster Entertainment) and we try to spread the excitement that is my new series, WULFIE with the world....
How fantastic an opportunity is that?

After years and years of pitching my work in all sorts of venues and to all sorts of peoples, in groups of up to twenty, this is without question the most nerve-wrackingly exciting presentation I have ever anticipated.

But here's the thing, pitching can be fun....if you're prepared, if you know your project inside out and if you really believe in it. Presenting a project to people who are interested enough to come and listen, is a privilege. It's the chance to make other people feel the excitement you feel in your project.
Passion is a huge part of it.
Having a story, characters, and idea you really believe in, can carry you a long way. With Wulfie, that's not hard to find. I invented this mischievous purple wolf-like creature in my daughter's purple bedroom. His best friend had my daughter's name, was her age and for my daughter, tucked up in bed -- or more likely sitting up and telling me what should happen or getting excited and frustrated with my storytelling skills - he was a new best friend.

He even swallowed kids who were mean to her -- what's not to like?! And now, just a few years later, I'm working with Monster Entertainment who can actually make this series happen...
And look at this for a team:
Director : Andrew Crotty (I'm a Creepy Crawly)
Animation Director: Paul Madden as Animation Director (Inis Spraoi, I'm a Creepy Crawly and I'm a Monster)
Lead Animator: Mark Flood
Lead writer is Steven Banks, former head writer of SpongeBob Squarepants. Both of us have already written two scripts apiece.
The concepts you see here were designed by Aaron Blecha.

So Cartoon Forum, here we come....
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